I'm sitting down to write this, and it occurred to me how crazy it is that I am blogging once again.

For those of you who haven't been with us since the beginning... Wild Ruffle began as a life and style blog back in January of 2011. Much has changed and evolved as we've grown over the past decade, but blogging has kind of gone by the wayside because I simply don't have the time to do it anymore.  

Few people realize just how long each of those posts take - from formulating a fresh topic idea, to creating looks, then sitting down to write, it's a whole lot more effort than dashing off 350 words to fill that page. Something else more important always seems to arise, and even when I make it a goal to get a post written in a day, it's usually the first thing to get crossed off the list in the interest of time.

And yet, I love to write... and here I am, finding myself with all kinds of extra time to do just that, thanks to the Coronavirus. So once again, I am a blogger.

Here's the tricky thing: if you listen to any sort of expert in the area of marketing, they'll tell you that I SHOULD be blogging for my business as a way to promote it. I should be styling looks and sharing them all for you on a regular basis. 

But I just can't be that blogger right now. To be honest, I don't even know how to be a shop owner these days, much less promote it. It feels weird and wrong somehow to keep telling you what you should buy when so many are feeling a pressure like one they've never experienced before.

Ironically, I NEED to promote our business because without online sales, we won't have a business to go back to once this all ends. So you'll continue to see us posting what's new, what we love, and how to buy it all. We may feel awkward about it, but it's what we have to do to continue moving forward.

But maybe... maybe I'll just claim this little corner of the online universe once again for my writer's heart. Perhaps you'll find it refreshing that I won't pretend to know what I'm doing in this crazy time we are living in. Or maybe you'll think I'm a nut and move on - no judgment here if that's the case (spoiler alert - I often AM a bit of a nut!). ;) 

Tammy and I are bound to make mistakes as we navigate the new world of retail. I hope you'll show us grace as we do. We so appreciate all the kindness you've shown us thus far! 

I do have one favor to ask of you all before I sign off. If you make a purchase online, consider making that purchase through a small business. If you need new jewelry, new pajama pants, baby gear - whatever the case may be, it's typically available from someone small or someone local. It doesn't have to be a purchase through us - there are tons of other WONDERFUL small businesses worth supporting, and we need them all to emerge strong on the other side of this in order for us all to be at our best. I love me some Amazon, but they'll be just fine if you decide to shop small.

I've been encouraged to see so many people doing this already, and I'm looking forward to seeing the movement continue.

Know that we are praying for you daily! As always, feel free to share your prayer requests with us so that we can lift you up in the specific ways you need.

blogging during coronavirus