I posted last week about how tricky this time feels for an extrovert like me. And it is. I miss people. So much. I'm LOVING this extra time with my family but there's just something about friendship that helps to fill my cup to the top.

When I was talking to my husband about it, he said something that hit home. I could see that all these other people were doing Zoom happy hours and posting about talking to their friends, and I wanted that too. Why didn't I have these Zoom calls on my schedule? Where were my people? I missed them!

And Ed asked me what kind of friend I was being to others in this time. His words weren't said in condemnation - it was just an honest question without judgement. But ouch. I like to think of myself as being a good friend. Yet am I doing everything I can to check in and make sure that others are faring well? There are a lot of people on my contact list... is each one making it through this season ok?

I'm resolved to be the kind of person that doesn't wait for someone to check in with me. And to be the one to reach out and see how I can be an encouragement. I don't want someone sitting at home, feeling alone in this, if I can help it.

Gone are the days when I can rely on running into friends regularly at Target, school, the gym, or the shop. Weekly Bible studies where I'm sitting down with my group are a thing of the past (for now, at least). I need to be purposeful and find new ways to continue to grow my relationships, or there is a chance that these friendships will fade away.

And I value my people way too much to allow that to happen!

I want to be a good friend to others whether life feels normal or we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Whether I can see them in person for a hug, or simply send a message virtually. 

We might be physically distancing from one another, but let's not truly 'socially distance' ourselves. Though we are 'all in this together,' it can feel quite lonely. Now more than ever, we need to work to stay connected. 

So, I'm asking you an honest question, without judgement. Are you a good friend to others right now? What else can you do to connect and uplift? I'd love to hear your stories about how you're making that happen!

image of friendship

A photo from before social distancing was a thing.